The Citizens’ Climate Convention: A new approach to participatory democracy, and its effectiveness on changing public policy

Delphine Hedary

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APA: Hedary, D. (2023). The Citizens’ Climate Convention: A new approach to participatory democracy, and its effectiveness on changing public policy. FYPL, Issue 1.

MLA: Delphine Hedary. 'The Citizens’ Climate Convention: A new approach to participatory democracy, and its effectiveness on changing public policy.' FYPL Issue 1 (2023).

CHICAGO: Hedary, Delphine, 'The Citizens’ Climate Convention: A new approach to participatory democracy, and its effectiveness on changing public policy,' FYPL Issue 1 (2023).

HARVARD: Hedary, D. (2023). 'The Citizens’ Climate Convention: A new approach to participatory democracy, and its effectiveness on changing public policy', FYPL, Issue 1



This article examines the unique characteristics of the Citizens’ Climate Convention (CCC) in France in comparison to other participatory democracy models in the field of environmental and sustainable development. It also seeks to evaluate the CCC’s influence on climate change mitigation policies.

Issue 1, 2023